Pest Spotlight: Carpenter Bees In Las Vegas

carpenter bee on purple flower

Carpenter bees around your house may look menacing, but they are pretty docile compared to other stinging insects in Las Vegas. Still, this doesn't mean they are necessarily a welcome visitor to your yard. Carpenter bees are aptly named because they drill holes in wooden surfaces, and they can sometimes cause serious problems when they do so around your property.

This article will explain more about carpenter bees, including how Las Vegas pest control companies differentiate them from other stinging insects. We'll also review the problems homeowners face when these bees infest properties and what attracts them in the first place. Come along with us and learn the trick to getting rid of carpenter bees with the pros at Anderson Pest Control.

How To Identify Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees in Las Vegas are yellow and black bees that can be up to an inch long. They have robust, oval-shaped bodies that look similar to bumble bees. The easiest way to tell them apart is that carpenter bees have smooth abdomens with no yellow markings, while bumble bees have hairy yellow ones. 

You won't find these bees in a colony like bumble bees or honey bees. Carpenter bees are solitary insects you'll most likely find hovering near the holes they drill in wood or around your flower bed. If you need help determining the type of bee on your property, contact us at Anderson Pest Control for assistance identifying and controlling carpenter bees.

Why You Don't Want Carpenter Bees Hanging Around Your Home

Carpenter bees nesting on your property can be a nuisance when flying around and cause significant problems if left untreated. Here are the most common issues that these can cause:

  • Female carpenter bees can sting, although they rarely will unless you provoke them.
  • Male carpenter bees don't sting but are very territorial and can be intimidating when they hover.
  • Female bees drill holes in wooden surfaces such as eaves, fences, siding, and decking to lay their eggs.
  • The holes and tunnels they drill start around four to six inches long, but they can extend them up to ten feet over time.
  • The larvae inside the holes are attractive to woodpeckers, which can cause further damage to the structure.

Carpenter bee holes are about half an inch wide and a nearly perfect circle. If you notice bees hovering near holes in wooden surfaces, they are likely carpenter bees. Contact us at Anderson Pest Control to learn how our carpenter bee treatments can help prevent further damage to your property.

Factors That Attract Carpenter Bees To Your Property

The best way to avoid carpenter bee wood damage is to learn what attracts them so you can work on preventing them. Here are the most common reasons carpenter bees are attracted to properties:

  • Untreated wood that isn't painted or stained
  • Soft woods are more attractive than harder woods
  • Preexisting cracks and gaps in wood 
  • Old carpenter bee holes that aren't filled

Regularly inspect the wood around the exterior of your home for carpenter bee holes. If you notice any holes or a lot of carpenter bees hovering around your property, contact us at Anderson Pest Control for assistance.

The Trick To Getting Rid Of Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees on Las Vegas properties can eventually cause structural damage if they aren't controlled. The trick to getting rid of them is to team up with a local home pest control company like Anderson Pest Control that understands what it takes to keep these bees away. Contact us today to schedule your free inspection and protect your property from these troublesome pests.
