Keeping Crickets At Bay: Effective Prevention Techniques For Your Las Vegas Home

a cricket crawling in a home

Las Vegas, Nevada, is known as a fast-paced entertainment-packed town. No matter where one looks, people can enjoy the glitz and glamour of bright lights, great shows, and fabulous food. With tons of people visiting this high-energy city annually, a person's home is a welcome sanctuary to downshift and relax until crickets ruin your home's peaceful vibe. That's when pest control in Las Vegas comes in handy.

Physical Characteristics Of Crickets: What To Look For

Worldwide, members of the cricket family number over 2,000 different species. They are insects known for their powerful leaping hind legs and "singing" capabilities. Three types of crickets are common around the Las Vegas area; the house, field, and camel cricket. Since these species often get indoors, it's important to note their differences.

House crickets are typically smaller than 1 inch and have a light brown to yellow coloration with three dark bands just behind their head. They have large hind legs with short spines on them. Their thin antennae are longer than their bodies, and their wings are long, pointed, and flat on their backs. House crickets have a loud chirp and are strongly attracted to light sources. They love to feast on plant materials and other insects that are weak.

Field crickets have long dark brown to black bodies and large heads. They can grow from 1/2 to over 1 inch long. Like the house cricket, they have large hind legs with short spines. Their thin antennae are longer than their bodies. Unlike the house cricket, their wings are rounded and practically cover their whole body. These crickets are also well known for their chirping, are attracted to lights, and enjoy eating fabrics and dead or dying insects.

Camel crickets are typically tan (sometimes with dark brown bands) and have a humped back. They usually grow to about 3/4 of an inch long, don't have wings, and don't chirp. Their legs are exceptionally long, making them resemble a spider. They feed on plant materials and aren't particularly attracted to light sources.

Because crickets are nocturnal, they often start chirping at the most inopportune time—when people are trying to sleep. Still, that's not the only problem that accompanies a cricket invasion.

Cricket Problems: More Than Just A Nuisance Noise

When it comes to crickets in Las Vegas, most people don't give them a second thought until they hear them "singing" inside their homes. As most can attest, finding and removing them can prove challenging. While cricket sounds can irritate, many are unfamiliar with other problems crickets cause while indoors.

Four problems crickets cause when indoors include:

  1. Bites (rare and usually don't break the skin)
  2. Food contamination
  3. Damage to fabric (silk, cotton, linen, wool, fur), especially those with food stains, body oils, or perspiration
  4. Damage to paper products (wall coverings)

Damage from one or a few crickets often goes unnoticed for some time, but when crickets invade in large numbers, damages can soon pile up. When you hear chirping noises indoors or see long-legged crickets hopping about your home, enlisting help from the pest professionals at Anderson Pest Control is essential. We can help ensure they get removed, keeping cricket damages minimal.

Cricket Prevention: Naturally Effective Tips

Crickets are typically happy to stay outdoors, but when outside conditions cool off or seem especially dry, many seek shelter in warmer moisture-rich areas. While they look for a new home, lights on homes often lead a path to your doorstep. The best way to ensure crickets stay out of homes is by eliminating conditions around and inside properties that act as attractants.

Six tips to naturally deter crickets from accessing homes include the following:

  1. Remove excess vegetation, firewood, rocks, boards, and other yard debris near your house.
  2. Turn off outdoor lights or replace them with yellow bulbs.
  3. Seal cracks and crevices in foundations.
  4. Install door sweeps; use weatherstripping around windows and vents.
  5. Use dehumidifiers in moisture-prone areas.
  6. Fix plumbing leaks indoors and out; repair outside drainage issues.

Removing crickets can prove challenging, so calling a pest professional like Anderson Pest Control is often necessary. Our Las Vegas cricket control professionals will always go the extra mile to ensure your home is cricket-free while providing long-term solutions that discourage future visits.

Professional Pest Control: A Great Way To Get Rid Of Crickets

For over 20 years, Anderson Pest Control has provided superior Integrated Pest Management strategies and various control methods to ensure Las Vegas homes stay pest-free. Our family-owned company takes pride in its excellent customer service.

Your satisfaction is our primary goal, and we stand behind our work. Our pest management professionals will listen to your needs and wishes and recommend solutions to get rid of crickets while minimizing risks to your health and the environment. Call Anderson Pest Control today for a free inspection and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Las Vegas.
