Protect Your Las Vegas Home From Pigeons

A pigeon standing in leaves.

Rodents, arachnids, and bugs are obvious pests, but birds can be problematic too. Nevada residents may find these flying pests tricky to deal with, so contacting our experienced team at Anderson Pest Control can be a sound step; our technicians can provide ways that protect your Las Vegas home from pigeons

Pest Birds Found In Las Vegas

People can become so accustomed to seeing common pest birds in urban areas that they may not pay much attention to them. Las Vegas residents may enjoy watching these birds or may even feed them. Pigeons may be the first thing that comes to mind when hearing the term “pest bird,” but a small handful of others encompass this category here as well.

Canada Goose

These large waterbirds can exhibit wide wingspans in the range of 67 inches. Canadian geese have a distinct look. These geese have light tan chests and brown feathers, featuring a black head and neck separated with a white mark.

Potential Problems: Canadian geese can wreak havoc on crops and grassy areas like golf courses and parks by excessively trampling, eating seedlings, and using these places as their restrooms. People can easily slip on these slimy droppings around businesses and homes. 

European Starling

This bird is stocky in appearance and can grow to almost nine inches in length. When seen at a distance, these birds may look completely black, but in reality, they feature other colors seasonally: a purple-green shimmer in warmer months and white and gold speckles during winter.

Potential Problems: This type of starling can cause Newcastle disease, salmonellosis, encephalitis, chlamydiosis, and histoplasmosis. Droppings may cause structural damage to buildings constructed of strong steel components. Flocks of starlings are known to cause bird strikes which can lead to plane crashes and mortal injuries. 

House Sparrow

These little guys are pretty compact in shape and weigh up to a little over an ounce. Their primary colors are white, brown, and gray with black markings but vary according to the sex of each bird.

Potential Problems: Paratyphoid, pullorum, vibriosis, toxoplasmosis, and chlamydiosis are just some of the medical risks the house sparrow poses. These birds can nest inside homes and businesses, consequently creating fire hazards. 


Notorious for their pesky ways, this bird knows how to wear out his welcome. This bird is larger than a songbird but much smaller than a duck; it usually measures a little less than a foot. Shades of gray are traditionally the predominant color of the pigeon but can undoubtedly vary; black and white often factor into the coloring.

Potential Problems: The pigeon is behind various unsavory health conditions: salmonellosis, toxoplasmosis, histoplasmosis, and cryptococcosis. These flying troublemakers may also host ticks, lice, mites, and fleas.   

Discouraging Pigeons On The Property

Want to protect your Las Vegas home from pigeons? Then keep pest birds away from the premises. The first step is to avoid looking at these flyers as if they are lovely gifts from nature. Make the property as inhospitable as possible and never feed these types of birds. 

Seal any holes or gaps in the upper part of the house under the roof to prevent future entrance from house sparrows. Install plastic netting to prevent starlings from accessing roosting areas. Use spikes and similar devices to prevent pigeons from landing and resting on the residence. Keep potential food sources out of reach and dump out any standing water.

Lasting Pigeon Control

Ways to protect your Las Vegas home from pigeons may be plentiful, but not all are equally successful. Contact our helpful associates at Anderson Pest Control to learn more about our pest bird control program and how we can make these bad birds fly away for good. Call today to schedule a free pest control inspection and to discuss our bird deterrent plans.
