Scorpions In Las Vegas: A Comprehensive Identification And Control Guide

scorpion curled up on a dead tree

Some scorpions glow in the dark, and some are more venomous than others. If you think you know all about scorpions, our scorpion identification and control guide may hold a few surprises.

Read on to better understand these arachnids and how to protect yourself and your property from scorpion encounters—and know when to call the Las Vegas pest control experts.

Common Types Of Scorpions: Identification And Characteristics

In the Las Vegas area, there are several types of scorpions. Let's delve into the four different kinds of scorpions commonly encountered in Las Vegas and learn about their distinguishing features:

  • Bark scorpion (Centruroides sculpturatus): This is the most venomous scorpion in North America. It has a slender body with pincers and a tail that curves upwards. Its color ranges from light yellow to tan and glows under ultraviolet light. 
  • Desert hairy scorpion (Hadrurus arizonensis): This scorpion is larger than the bark scorpion and has a robust body covered in short hairs. It typically has a dark brown or black coloration. The desert hairy scorpion possesses large pincers and a long, thick tail with a stinger.
  • Stripe-tailed scorpion (Paravaejovis spinigerus): As the name suggests, this scorpion has distinctive stripes on its tail. It has a brownish color and relatively small pincers compared to its body size. 
  • Giant hairy scorpion (Hadrurus spadix): This scorpion is one of the largest found in North America at five to six inches long. It has a slender, pale yellow body, and its name comes from the long, bristle-like hairs covering its body and legs. 

The bark scorpion's venom is considered the most potent but generally not deadly of these three scorpions. Understanding the identification and characteristics of these four scorpions is essential to deal with them—from stings to infestations. 

Scorpion Stings: Symptoms And Treatments

Getting stung by a scorpion can be an intense and painful experience. While not deadly, these can still be dangerous scorpions. Here is an overview of scorpion sting symptoms:

  • Scorpion stings are typically associated with immediate and severe pain, which can radiate to other parts of the body.
  • The sting site often shows signs of swelling, redness, and inflammation.
  • Some individuals may experience numbness or tingling sensations around the sting area or nearby limbs.
  • Scorpion venom can cause muscle spasms, especially in the area surrounding the sting.

If stung by a scorpion, we recommend you remain calm to slow the spread of the venom. Wash the sting site with mild soap and water to minimize the risk of infection. Dampen a clean cloth with water and leave it in place for 10 to 15 minutes before reapplying. If using ice, wrap the ice in a towel, and avoid direct contact with the skin.

While Las Vegas scorpion stings may not be deadly to most people, individuals or children with underlying health conditions could be at risk of life-threatening reactions. Please seek appropriate medical care after a scorpion sting.

Scorpion Prevention: Proven Effective Tips

Next, we cover some tips on how to keep scorpions out of the house. Here are some proven methods to help you prevent scorpion infestations and get a handle on scorpion control:

  • Inspect your home for gaps and openings where scorpions could enter, and seal them with caulk or weatherstripping.
  • Remove clutter outdoors and indoors, as scorpions can use these areas as hiding spots. Scorpions also seek hiding spots indoors, so regular spring cleaning is a must.
  • Install door sweeps on exterior doors and repair damaged window screens.
  • Use yellow or sodium vapor lights for outdoor lighting, as these attract fewer insects that can serve as a food source for scorpions.

Use these tips to reduce the risk of scorpions invading your living space and create a safer environment.

Expert Scorpion Control: The Smart Way To Get Rid Of An Infestation

When dealing with a scorpion infestation, seeking professional scorpion pest control is the smartest approach. These arachnids don't respond to typical pest treatments and require a specialized procedure.

Our Las Vegas pest control technicians at Anderson Pest Control can identify scorpion hot spots, locate their hiding places, and implement targeted treatments to eradicate them. Contact us today to ensure the comprehensive removal of scorpions.
